I’m Tom Li, a full stack developer.
I’m passionate about building things with code. I'd gain great pleasure if it can be widely approved. I also love try novelty things, technologies and skills which can bring new advanture to my life.
I am current working at Amazon, as a member of Amazon Web Service (AWS) Elestic File System (EFS) team.
I got my master degree in Computer Science from Lehigh University and Bachelor degree in Electronic and Information engineering from Zhejiang University. I was student majoring in electrical and mechanical engineering so I can use a more comprehensive and innovative idea to solve most problems.
Languages: Java, Python, C/C++, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, Scala, Matlab, Verilog, Assembly Language.
Web Frameworks/Libraries: Django, ReactJS/Redux, AngularJS/2/4, BackboneJS, ExpressJS, Codeigniter, Wordpress, Laravel, jQuery, Bootstrap, SASS, D3js, Echarts, tachyons.
Web Server: Gunicorn, Apache, Ngnix, AWS S3/EC2.
Package/Automation: Docker, NodeJS, Webpack, npm, bower, yarn, Gulp, Grunt, Supervisor.
Web tools: Celery, RabbitMQ, Git, GraphQL, Wire Shark.
Database/Memery: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, FireBase, Memcached, Redis.
Machine learning/Data Science:Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit learn, Many Modern neural network, Numpy, Scipy, Pandas.
Others: Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, After Effects.